Career Services » Career Services

Career Services

Prairie Valley SD Career Education Website

  • Parents’ Role in Career Planning
  • The Career Planning Process
  • The High Five Principles


Looking At The Facts
  • Saskatchewan Education High School Credit Requirements
  • High School Graduation Plan
  • Extra Credit Options
  • Parent/Student Access to HomeLogic


Looking Within
  • Career Cruising
  • Career Portfolio Development
  • Self-Assessment Inventories
  • Essential Skills
  • Employable Skills


Looking At Strengths
    • The Job Search

Stage One: Prepare a Resume and Cover Letter
Stage Two: Conduct a Job Search
Stage Three: Prepare for a Job Interview

  • Annual “Local” Career/Job Fairs
  • Campus Visits/Open Houses/Tours
  • Labour Market Information (LMI)
  • University/College
  • Institute of Applied Science & Technology
  • Regional Colleges
  • Private Schools
  • Aboriginal Post-Secondary Institutions​
  • Travel & Enrichment Programs
  • Public Service Careers
  • Apprenticeship
  • Work Force


Looking At Funding
  • Sources of Funding
  • Student Savings
  • Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP)
  • Government Student Loans
  • Scholarships/Bursaries


Looking To The Future
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgements/Resources
Prairie Valley School Division subscribes to Career Cruising as a tool to help all of their students with the Transition from High School.  Within Career Cruising there are many tools that the student can use to help them.  The areas within the website include: Assessments, Careers, Education, Employment, and Portfolio Development.
Each student has their own unique username and password that allows them to create a portfolio within Career Cruising that will help them in deciding what they may want to do in the future.  As well, that portfolio will continue to be available to them in the future should they want to access the information they want to use. 
Career Planning Sites​ Financial Sites​ Other Resources​
Career Cruising is an interactive career resource designed for people of all ages. If you want to find the right career, explore different career options, or plan future education and training, you've come to the right place
Username:bert  Password:fox​​
Find information on thousands of scholarships, grants and cash awards.  Register online and you will receive an e-mail with awards that you are eligible to receive.​
PVSD Career Services Website
This site provides information about Post-Secondary schools in Saskatchewan, Scholarships, Career Fairs, Career & Work Experience, etc.
Website designed to help students make an informed decision about their future.  Employs a unique tool that helps students link high school classes that they are taking to future education options.
Sign up to search through an extensive database to find scholarships, bursaries, and grants.  Also provides information about student loans, applications and budget planning.​
Provides information about the Apprenticeship Program for High School students.  There are many benefits of completing this program in high school which include waiver of registration fee, waiver of first level of technical training tuition, and 100 hours of trade time credit per SYA level completed.
Resources for Saskatchewan people in the areas of jobs, work, education and training, career planning, self-employment, labour market information, financial help and the workplace.​
This site provides a general overview of the program.
Provides comprehensive information on all aspects of programs within the armed forces such; jobs, paid education, training, how to apply, etc.
Provides valuable information for job seekers.  Provides details about what the future job market will look like.​
Source of interactive and comprehensive information and services designed to help individuals save, plan and pay for lifelong learning opportunities.
Programs that combines military training along with Aboriginal culture and customs.  Must be at least 16 years of age and have a grade 10 education. Application deadline is April 30th.
Find information on thousands of scholarships, grants and cash awards.  Register online and you will receive an e-mail with awards that you are eligible to receive.

Post-Secondary Sites

Provides information for students and parents about application process, admission requirements, scholarship information, etc. Click on Future Students. ​
Provides information for students and parents about application process, admission requirements, scholarship information, etc. Click on Prospective Students.​
Provides information for students and parents about application process, admission requirements, scholarship information, etc. Click on Future Students. A good place to start is the myChoice section of the website.​
Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies.  Provides information for students and parents about application process, admission requirements, scholarships, etc.  Click on Getting Started​
Provides information about educational programs in a number of industries such as; health care, multi-media, information technology, esthetics, business, child care, trades, etc​
Provides comprehensive information on college and university tuition, facilities, programs, admission requirements and deadlines.  Also provides information on scholarships and financial aid.
These schools provide training in a variety of areas; cosmetology, massage therapy, animation, horticulture, business, broadcasting, heavy equipment

Enrichment Programs and Summer Camps​ 

Four week summer enrichment program for Grade 10, 11, and 12 students. Workshops focus on the sciences, engineering, technology, and entrepreneurship.​
Ten day ALL expense paid Tour. Students get to study and observe the United Nations in action. Travel to New York, Washington, Philadelphia, and Ottawa.
Ten day tour where students tour Saskatchewan and meet a variety of people and take part in a variety of experiences designed to strengthen the mind, body, and their leadership potential. On completition students will receive a 30-Level Special Project Credit.
 Week long program that bring together 14-17 year old youth in Ottawa.  The students gain experience through theme-related visits, guest speakers, tours, discussions, and workshops.  Students have the opportunity to choose from 12 different themes.​

Travel Sites

Students work abroad program​
Volunteer projects and internships abroad
Opportunity to contribute to the sustainable development of communities across Canada through volunteer service programs
Study languages and academic subjects abroad
International Student Exchange Programs​
Studying or volunteering abroad, over 50 destinations for you to choose from
STS High School year abroad, learn a foreign language, or participate in a summer program abroad
Society for educational visits and exchanges in Canada
World leader in developing international educational programs for young people aged 17 to 29
Provides a wide variety of opportunities; Blyth Academy, International Summers, Community Service, etc
Provides a variety of programs; high school abroad, jobs, language courses and schools, summer camps, etc.

Career Assessment Sites 

Future Paths  
Some of the assessments on this website include; interests, personality type, values, essential skills, employability skills
Service Canada Career Navigator and Quizzes  
This website includes: an abilities quiz, a data, people things quiz, a work preference quiz, a multiple intelligence quiz, a seeing, hearing, and doing quiz, a work values quiz​
You will need to sign up to start the career planning process.  This site includes four parts: know yourself, explore options,  get ready, and take action.  Once complete you will be able to print and export a Career Plan.​
This report combines insight into your motivators, the way you operate and your interests.

Teacher Resources

Career Cruising Administration Sign-in -
Putting the Polish on Electronic Portfolio's -
The Real Game Sign-in -