Students » Student Fee & Supply List

Student Fee & Supply List

Fee statements for 2024-2025 will be issued at the beginning of semesters I & II and emailed to you as soon as classes and student schedules have been finalized. Fees are based on a cost recovery basis and will be determined using last year expenses as a gauge. If at the end of the semester/season there are funds left over in the account, a refund will be issued to you. If the account is in a deficit position, you will be charged an additional fee to cover this. We can accept payment in the form of cash, cheque or etransfer to [email protected].
*NOTE:  If textbooks, library books or any other school property is not returned or returned in an unacceptable state, the student will be charged any additional costs incurred.

Supply List

Student and Parents may choose to order their supplies from the company listed or purchase elsewhere.